We return after summer break charged up and ready to rampage! Kratos swings his way to our stage on September 21st in Rotterdam.
Join our model drawing session for a chill hangout, be inspired by fellow artists and take your journey with us to the nine realms.
Kratos is the main character from the multiple award winning games ‘God of War’.
jaellyfish_creative brings this musclebound dad to life with explosive poses and amazing game accurate weapons. Expect lots of axe swings and warrior expressions.
Be sure to bring your art supplies, and join us at Nivon on September 21st, from 13:00 till 16:00.
We start the session at 13:00 with quick poses, and progress to longer poses.
At the end we have some time to admire each other’s work, and hangout.
Be sure to bring some cash for drinks at the bar.
Afterwards we have the option to join us for dinner somewhere downtown.
Walk in 13:00
official start 13:30
end time: 16:00
Location: Nivon, Dirk Smitsstraat 76, 3031 XE Rotterdam
Payed parking!
OV: Unfortunately there is a lot of construction again. Tram 7 is still an option between Rotterdam Central Station until Noordsingel. From there it’s an 11 minute walk.
Or the subway to Stadhuis. From there it’s a 13 minute walk.