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Author: Admin

Block party

Vik had an observation. When the weather is bad, the draw clubbers come out to play. To be fair, I knew a lot of these people wanted to join. But life has been busy for us all since the last lock down. And that’s a good thing.

Perhaps this is one of those occasions to let the images speak, because there was a lot going on. From exquisite corpses in one corner, blocks in the other, etc. But the most important thing was to see everyone have a good time.

Expo Prompts

We say welcome to Ellan, Sofie and Alex. I believe it was Sofie who asked what to do when you have no inspiration. This let to Denver to bring out the Reckless Deck. It’s the prompt time!

We had two rounds. The first draw: petticoat, full mask, dual-bladed sword. The second draw: Victorian frock coat, shell or organic exoskeleton, jungle animal attributes. You can see some of the results in the photos.

And not just prompts. Check out some of the cool stuff Vik, Ben, Lieneke, and Saskia were drawing in the video.

We had the return of Nausicaa. This time in the form of an art book brought by Ben.

At the start of the session, Unbound Alex handed out some cool stickers made by @blazingrabbitarts. See if you can spot it in the video.

If you watch the video you will also see some of us in other rooms at Nivon. Preparing for our first exposition at Nivon! Keep the 6th of May free on your agenda.

Gate crashing

We say welcome to Raymond and Joris who joined us for another fun busy session.

We went for a big table this time and it was hard to keep up. Christa added Leonardo to the TMNT 2012 line up, while Brian drew skulls. Em drew a character from the new Puss in Boots movie, check out the post on that account.

Saskia displayed her skills in digital and tradional art, while Lieneke went for a heavy detailed piece. I didn’t catch it, but saw an earlier drawing of Nordin with some cool perspective. Another thing not on video is Madelief going wild with spirographs.

A little spotlight on Mel, who continues to grow with each drawing. Coming back to skills on display, Vik and Denver shared some of their knowledge. These two should give… workshops? Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

So I now come to the conclusion of not seeing what Luciana was making. So we have to make up for that next time.

Be sure to check out the video to see things like Vik working further on one of the sketches he made during the model sketch event of @theartistguildevents.

As for the title? I guess you had to be there. So join us! The next time! At Capsloc!

Art for Charity

Eveline Wind-Wunderlich asked me to gather artists for a charity event to collect money for the earthquake victims of Turkey and Syria. It was a nice event at @heiligeboontjes who were also part of the organization and wonderful hosts. There was music, a market and an auction. We also had Frank Stoks drawing caricatures. In the end 2000 euro was raised for the cause. The bar money was also going to be added to the total amount.

Stay tuned for the upcoming online auction. Some of the items you will see in pictures will be offered again.

I try to keep these thing balanced when it comes to talking about artists and their art, but this time I have to give a special shout out to Sai for his awesome Prince print that raised a big part of the total amount during the auction.

Easy sunday

A lot of activities in Capsloc, so we moved to the mirror room? Yes, that name raised some eyebrows. For us it’s the home of the dragon. 😉

Marijke returned and she has added more pages to her life story.

K3nsi also returned and went traditional this time. It actually was Nadia who made her version of a K3nsi head. She didn’t stop there and also drew a cosmic girl.

Em showed us some of his latest character designs.

Feroz added some electronics and wires to an illustration he has been drawing bit by bit.

Denver was on the phone… Just kidding, more awesome figure drawing from this dude. The same was true for Vik and Nordin.

Christa was drawing a cat this time instead of a Ninja Turtle. Although we did spot some cool 80’s style Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in her sketchbook.

Saskia drew several fantasy figures. Inspired by cute fuzzy bunnies!

I promised to show some of Luciana’s work last time. Check out her figure drawing.

Seen enough? Of course not!

Go With The Flow

I almost felt like naming this post Another Easy Sunday, but it became Go With The Flow. Which is a title I may have used before. But if the name fits, it fits.

This was a session with a lot of conversations. I started with Marijke who showed some new work from her life stories. A lot of holiday tales.

We had a model sketch session at Nivon the day before, so we also had some post model sketch conversations.
I think I heard Moreno and Luciana talk about story/worldbuilding. Either build is a lot of fun.

And some of us had a meeting about an upcoming exposition at Nivon. Stay tuned!

Yes sir, a true conversation session as it went on even outside the building.

We thank our Capsloc host Safa for this session.

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